Evil Feminist Jew Propaganda

In a world where mountains blow cocaine into the sky,
and that cocaine shades the valley from the sun. That valley
is named THE SHADOW OF THE VALLEY OF DEATH. Giants lived in
this valley and sniffed eachothers buttholes all day while
wearing black robes woven from Satan's pubic hairs. One day,
a quake riven'd one of the valley's stone surfaces and a
gape opened. Then a bunch of lame short fucks came through.
They were weak and feared the butthole sniffers of the valley
and could not tread the treacherous dirt. So they built EVIL
machines that harrowed the lava spewers and their heat that
pushes the cocaine up to the assmostfear. And suddenly a
white, dry, powdery mist rolled down the unplatitudis precipices
and with the sound of a sandstorm and the smell of schizophrenia,
and so all of their asses were wiped out, complete and cow utter genocide,
and so they could no longer smell eachothers buttholes. The end.